The ANU is partnering with the Aurora Education Foundation to assess the RISE program, an Indigenous education initiative funded by the Paul Ramsey Foundation and launched in 2022. It engages over 540 students across 49 schools, offering support from Year 7 to 6 months after Year 12 with diverse education programs and supports beyond school. RISE stands out for its unique program models, Indigenous Data Sovereignty principles, experimental design, and Indigenous perspectives on educational success.
Current research
We collaborate closely with policymakers and service providers to co-design and evaluate programs and policies, aiming to enhance the well-being of Australian and Asia-Pacific communities. Additionally, we conduct our own online and face-to-face experiments in policy-relevant areas and work with partners to collect and archive data from experimental studies. Examples of ongoing projects are provided below.
Survey experiments for political and social sciences
The ANU Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) conducts a range of social, political, and economic surveys, including the quarterly ANUpoll, which addresses issues of national significance in Australian public opinion. ANUpoll has been used for survey experiments on topics like inflation expectations, attitudes towards RCTs, data privacy and governance, COVID-19 vaccine uptake, and survey participation. Access to the data is available through the Australian Data Archive.
Technology adoption in microfinance: A field experiment in Indonesia
Researchers from J-PAL Southeast Asia and PELab evaluate how the introduction of a mobile microfinance App, along with training on its usage and provision of incentives, affects the financial behaviour of existing clients. The pilot study of this collaborative project with a microfinance institution in Indonesia is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.